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TAPAU Playlist Bulan Ini – April 2022 (Istimewa Ramadan)

Maaf kali ni playlist lambat sikit dikeluarkan. Lepas tengok macam mana artis yang kita feature bulan lepas berjaya menarik perhatian komuniti dan mendapat exposure, rasa teringin pulak untuk open this playlist for submissions supaya boleh benefit lagi banyak artis-artis indie di luar radar dan connection kami.

Jadi untuk bulan ni kita pilih 5 lagu yang santai sempena bulan Ramadan. Tak semestinya lagu yang berunsurkan Islamic, asalkan feelnya tenang, santai dan best untuk dilayan sepanjang bulan ni.

Terima kasih kepada semua yang submit! Maaf kalau tak difeature, banyak yang sedap cuma mungkin tak sesuai untuk playlist bulan ni. Harap tak give up, keep on creating and maybe cuba untuk playlist lain di masa depan!

So lets get to our playlist for this month!!

Track #1: “IZINKAN” – Hasta La Vista


Lagu yang first ni buat aku terus rasa “this is it, they understood the assignment!” sebab this is exactly the kind of song yang aku cari for this playlist. Start je lagu terus buat aku senyum sebab dia buat aku rasa happy dan tenang. Walaupun lirik dia berciri Islamic tapi dia lari dari typical lagu bulan puasa yang cuba nak buat kau insaf. Lagu yang sempoi that gives off a good vibe – exactly how I want people to feel when they listen to this playlist.

Pastu aku find out rupanya Hasta La Visa is a Youtube channel oleh Adlan Syahin dan Bendi. Adlan ni pernah jadi pememang “Karya Minggu Ini” untuk TAPAU Show Online. Dorang ni memang jenis buat content mencabar diri untuk tulis lagu dalam satu duration/session/mengikut tema. Jemput layan jugak Youtube video proses dorang tulis lagu ni:


Track #2: “JANJI KAU ADA” – ISK, Jason Wonderkid, Raichi$ki & Lil Beast (norfboundbeats)


First time aku dengar lagu ni really feels like I’ve found a hidden gem. Beats ngam, rapping best, production power. The only thing I wasn’t sure of is if this song submission was meant for this playlist. But after contacting them and checking out the lyrics, somehow this part convinced me that memang sesuai even if the song wasn’t written for specifically for Ramadan or this playlist:

“Janji kau ada aku taknak lebih,
Jangan pergi lagi nanti ku sedih,
Buat apa kalau kau tak ada,
Janji aku tunggu demi masa.”

Shoutouts to norfboundbeats, a multidisciplinary artist involved in sounds and visual (visual works pon power), + ISK, Jason Wonderkid, Raichi$ki & Lil Beast for saying yes to this song being featured, and lookout for these guys!

Track #3: “BANGUNLAH” – Fasarasa


Fasarasa ni sebuah kugiran dari Taiping dan “Bangunlah” merupakan karya pertama mereka. Aku rasa sebab dorang ni orang Tepenglah muzik dihasilkan pon tersangatlah santai dan bagi aku ada feel-feel Payung Teduh, Sore dan kugiran-kugiran Indonesia yang sealiran dengannya. Lagu ni aku rasa anthem yang sesuai untuk cuba bagi semangat untuk kita bangun pagi di bulan puasa bila kita liat dan hampir tewas dengan keempukan bantal + tilam serta kesedapan berada di bawah selimut di pagi yang dingin… chewahhh!

Track #4: “KURMA SEBELUM FAJR” – Palelee (feat. Paan Madhan on violin)


Jujurnya lagu ni dari segi production and songwriting memang macam zaman orang buat demo sempoi rekod dalam bilik tidur pastu upload kat Myspace. Tapi kenapa aku tetap pilih lagu ni sebab aku rasa Palelee dan Paan berjaya capture mood Ramadan and the spirit of indie music yang tak perlulah sentiasa serius sangat. Sometimes it’s good to just take it easy and chill. Just like this song and having a kurma sebelum fajar. 🙂

Track #5: “HOPES OF FRATERNIZATION” – Amir Nor Azan


I really wanted to have a soothing instrumental/post rock track to be a part of this playlist and I got what I wanted with this track by Amir Nor Azan. Korek punya korek mamat ni rupanya banyak gila produce amazing post rock tracks, theres even one where he sampled puisi A Samad Said yang juga buat aku meremang. Anyway I don’t even know what ‘fraternization’ means so aku cari on wiki and this is what came out:

Fraternization (from Latin frater, brother) is “turning people into brothers” by conducting social relations with people who are actually unrelated and/or of a different class (especially those with whom one works) as if they were siblings, family members, personal friends, or lovers. To fraternize also means to become allies with someone, especially the enemy.

Which is accidentally an important message especially to muslims to end this playlist. Renung-renungkan dan selamat beribadat. Stop being judgmental and just be a good human being ok.  

p/s: Let me know you guys think of this playlist in the comment below. Jemput follow and support all the artist featured, and do share this article okeh!

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