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There are some musicians that are fun, there are those that are nerdy, silly, approachable, fun loving and then there are those that have a Godlike demeanour. His charismatic style, his playing stance, he has that don’t mess with me look, even when he speaks it’s cool, purposeful, serious (sometimes you can’t even tell if he’s pulling your leg)… lancar dalam Bahasa Melayu this is Wing Meng from @lovemebutch AND he has guitar playing skills to match…LMB being only 3 musicians means they all work hard to fill in the gaps and the guitarist works extra hard to cover with the solos, riffs and rhythm. From gigging to touring, Rock the World to Rockaway, Japan to the Philippines let’s check out his journey and what has made him one of the meanest, bad-ass guitarist today.

#JENNERASIKU #TAPAUtv# TAPAUasia #makeascene

*Originally livestreamed on SUNDAY DECEMBER 6 2020

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